Introductory Workshops




“There is a healing mechanism in the body that dissolves nervous tension in the muscles and resolves emotional conflict on the organic and unconscious level ”

Gerda Boyesen, Founder of Biodynamic Psychology

This is an experiential two-day group for those interested in finding out more about the scope and benefits of the biodynamic approach, and for those who are interested in training on our 1 year or 4 year courses.

The biodynamic model is non-critical and non-judgemental and is based on a profound understanding of the natural health of the “primary personality”. Completion of cycles on the psychological and physiological levels leads to the circulation of life energy (bio-dynamic) in the cells and tissues and out into the bio-field and subtle body.

This life enhancing flow nourishes the body, building capacity and zest for life. It also nurtures the mind and spirit – which ignites our passion and renews our sense of meaning and purpose.

The biodynamic approach is a holistic and gentle, straightforward approach to health and well being on all levels. Recent research has indicated that the gut and brain are directly connected and each play a crucial role in recovery from trauma and stress, howsoever caused.

Upcoming Workshops

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The aim of the biodynamic approach is to restore this vital relationship to its optimum function if for any reason it has become frozen. We will introduce the concept of ‘psycho-peristalsis’  – the healing mechanism in the body, and demonstrate how this function can be activated and monitored in everyday life.

Bio means life – dynamic means movement. We need to understand what happens if life energy becomes stuck or trapped for any reason.

By exploring ways to free trapped energy, we can access deeper and more satisfying experiences in everyday life. When the life energy within us (bio-energy) is liberated, it meets with the energy around us (cosmic energy) and brings a new sense of natural connection.

There will be a gentle exploration of what our true needs are, how we can build our capacity to live wholesome and satisfying lives, and balance our work and home life.

We  will demonstrate ‘stethoscope massage’ using a loudspeaker. This monitor is used to listen to the sounds of the precise workings of the body’s healing mechanism known as ‘psycho-peristalsis’. Different sounds come in response to the application of specialised biodynamic skills.

These skills can be learned by other practitioners and applied within their current practice, or learned as part of the whole biodynamic philosophy and approach that offers a exciting new dimension in health and biodynamic medicine. Participants will have the opportunity to experience this work through exercises in pairs and small groups. 

Biodynamic One Day Workshop Fee:  UK £120 – Ireland €120

Booking is Required. Please book early to secure your place

Please Note: Attendance at a Day Workshop is a pre-requisite for further courses and for training with the Institute.



A One Year Experiential Course – commences 26-27th October 2019 in the UK and Ireland


Foundation in Biodynamic Medicine Course – Application Form


  • Each participant will have 10 hours of one-on-one Biodynamic sessions (5 x 2hrs)
  • Residential fees depend on the host country
  • Supplementary Sessions: Individual biodynamic sessions can be booked before, during or after seminars

  • Annual: 5 Day Master Seminar for graduates of all Seminars

  • Venues: International Biodynamic Seminars will be available in: UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy, France, Ibiza, India, Dubai, New York, California, Others by Invitation

  • Certificates of Attendance will be issued for All Seminars

Workshop Leader

Mary Molloy BA Hons Fellow IOBM - Principal and Training Director IOBM

Mary has 40 years experience in the field of biodynamic psychology and worked extensively with Gerda Boyesen over several years. She is Founder and Principal of IOBM Ltd and The Biodynamic Clinic. She is fully committed to bringing the authenticity and simplicity of these effective therapeutic and clinical biodynamic methods and skills into the wider community and into everyday life.