
We gratefully acknowledge the work and contribution of the following persons:

Maurice Johnson FCA ( died 2006) was the first Chairman of the Executive Committee from 1989 until his retirement in 2001. He remained as Company Secretary until his death in 2006. He was an Honorary Fellow of the Institute and was a steadfast support, and informed guiding hand for the establishment of all protocols, procedures, financial and administration matters of the Institute, working closely with other Directors and all of the Committees. He loved and appreciated the biodynamic approach and supported its promotion at all times.

Peg Nunneley BA Hons SRN, Fellow (1917-2004) was Consultant to the Biodynamic Clinic for many years. She travelled on a weekly basis from her home in Norfolk to work in Ealing, and also regularly to teach, give supervision and practice in Killala, which she loved.

Author of The Biodynamic Philosophy and Treatment of Psychosomatic Conditions, Volumes 1 & 2. Published by Peter Lang.

Dr Eva Reich MD (died 2007) – daughter of Dr Wilhelm Reich MD was a Fellow and Honorary Member of the Institute and a Visiting Doctor. She gave several experiential and teaching workshops at the Biodynamic Clinic in Ealing. She always supported the clinical branch of biodynamic psychology, as delivered through the Institute and Clinic.