First meeting at the Initial Consultation
The aims of each session can vary. For example, you may need to speak, or simply rest and be re-juvenated. You may have a particular condition that you need help with, or you may be considering life choices, or facing health problems. Perhaps you need more zest for life, to look after and put your self first.
Whatever your needs are, the biodynamic psychotherapist can:
- assist you to find relief, eliminate toxins and reduce the feeling of internal pressure
- help bring emotional resolution and psychological integration
- work with your muscles, tissues, breath and joints – which can involve biodynamic bodywork – to reduce tension and liberate trapped energy
- work with your need to speak and express, or talk through everyday life, work, home, relationship matters and essential issues. This can involve other biodynamic therapies aimed at consolidating positive experience.
- refresh the electro-magnetic field within and surrounding the body known as the bio-field in order to bring deep relaxation and inner peace
- clarify issues and help you to make positive life decisions for your self and for your future within your own life context.
Initial Consultation and completing the Client Information Record

Initial Consultation – A time to discuss all aspects of what the client needs, determining how biodynamic therapy can help, agreeing mutual goals and workable outcomes, settling the contract.
Each client is asked to complete a Client Information Record, which details your contact information, reason for treatment, current symptoms (if any), lifestyle (diet, exercise etc), general medical history, and client’s declaration.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to tell about any emotional or life experiences and to give any further details that you consider may be relevant for your treatments or sessions.
This is a requirement for all clients prior to commencing sessions.
When the CIR is completed the biodynamic psychotherapist will read through this information in a Consultation with you and together you will discuss how you consider we may be able to help, fees charged, cancellation policy, time frame agreed and any other matters that have to be decided.
This agreement forms the basis for a mutually agreed and workable contract between you and your biodynamic practitioner.
Once the contract is agreed your therapist will subsequently use a combination of biodynamic methods, including biodynamic massage, vegetotherapy, deep-draining and psychotherapy according to what is needed by you in each session.
One session can be helpful, but more often a series of weekly or fortnightly sessions is recommended to help the process of re-establishing your own healing mechanism and independent well being.
This gentle, non-invasive approach can often lead to a feeling of being fully rested, and it is not unusual for clients to fall asleep during a treatment.