Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What does biodynamic mean?

A. Bio means life, dynamic means movement – this approach helps to restore the natural and spontaneous flow of life energy, which sometimes becomes trapped in the body.

Q. What is biodynamic psychotherapy?

A. Biodynamic psychotherapy is a gentle yet profound therapeutic approach. Its aim is to invite and support the recovery of our “primary personality” which provides us with meaning and purpose, joy and natural ethics in our life.

We create a safe, non-judgemental environment and use a wide range of methods enabling the client to pay attention and give way to the manifestation of their authentic self arising in mind and body.

Q. Who can benefit from biodynamic psychotherapy?

A. We can all benefit from biodynamic psychotherapy sessions to help tackle specific symptoms, issues or just to have some time out in a supportive environment to take stock of our busy lives

Q. Can biodynamic psychotherapy help me with physical symptoms?

A. Biodynamic psychotherapy combines verbal psychotherapy with advanced biodynamic massage and body work techniques that are specifically designed to help relieve pain and re-establish your body’s natural self-regulatory functions. This integrated approach is a very efficient way to give relief from pain or discomfort. Furthermore the biodynamic psychotherapist works to eliminate the root cause of the pain rather than just suppressing symptoms.

Q. Is biodynamic psychotherapy complementary to established medicine?

A. Yes. Biodynamic psychotherapy totally complements established medical practices. Biodynamic psychotherapists can work alongside GPs to give you the extra time and support that you need in dealing with your particular condition, whether that be pre/post operative support or working to ease side effects of prescribed medication, by establishing the psycho-peristalsis.

Q. How does biodynamic massage differ from other forms of massage?

A. Biodynamic massage methods can be applied at bone, muscle, skin, cell and tissue levels. All treatments aim to restore homeostasis and balance in the client in each and every session. A loudspeaker stethoscope is used to listen to the sounds of psycho-peristalsis – the innate function of the gut to digest and eliminate the hormonal remnants of stress.

Q. What is the difference between the sounds of my tummy rumbling because I have just eaten, and the sounds that you listen to?

A. Sounds related to the digestion of food are related to the passage of food in the gut. The sounds of psycho-peristalsis are qualitatively different and come specifically in response to the touch of the qualified biodynamic therapist, or to an insight (“aha”) gained by the client during a session, or during and after the clients emotional expression.

Q: How long are the sessions?

A. The initial consultation and first session is normally 90 minutes. Subsequent sessions are usually 60 minutes. You can make an appointment for longer sessions eg 2 hours or more if you need, or you can book for block therapy 6-10 hours over 1-2 days.

Q: How much does it cost and how is the fee set?

A. GBII has a scale of professional fees. You and your biodynamic psychotherapist will agree the fee following our “sliding scale” guidelines. Fees range from £50-£175 (€60-€200) per hour depending on seniority and location. Home visits are available. Concessions are available in bona-fide cases, please ask.

Q. Can I use my private health insurance to pay for sessions?

A. Yes. However, this depends entirely on the level or type of private health insurance that you have. Please check with you provider to see if you are covered. GBII will provide or substantiate any information you need to submit to your insurance company to enable them to decide if you are eligible on a person-by person basis.

Q: How do I start the process?

A. You can start the process by calling +353 96 32514 to discuss your needs, or by contacting a GBII Licensed Practitioner in your area directly.

If you have any special concerns and questions, please feel free to call or email the Clinical Director – Mary Molloy ( or contact her at UK +44 7539 515109 or Ireland +353 86 874 3958 where you may leave a confidential voice mail.

Q. How many sessions will I need?

A. At your initial consultation, you will be asked to fill in a Client Information Record, giving details of your medical background, and any relevant details you feel are important to tell your therapist. Your therapist will go through this with you, and discuss a realistic and workable outcome for you. Based on this information, you can agree a course of sessions with your therapist, with a review after, say, 6 weeks.

In the first 6 -10 sessions of a biodynamic contract, whether talking, bodywork or treatment, your biodynamic psychotherapist is principally concerned with helping your metabolism to unravel and eliminate the pernicious side effects of stress. These effects can arise from unconscious unhealthy beliefs, harmful actions or from everyday events that can remain in the cellular memory.

The number of sessions you will need depends on your particular needs, and is different for each person. The aim of biodynamic psychotherapy is to restore independent well-being, so once you agree a course of sessions, your therapist will be committed to you for as long as you need, and support you to complete when you are ready.

Q. What is block therapy?

A. Block therapy (biodynamic retreat) is a series of 6-10 hours (can be more) over 2-3 days, usually residential. It can be helpful for those who have to travel long distances to see their biodynamic therapist, or for those who want to address a specific issue/problem/symptom. It is helpful to take time away from your normal environment and not to have to deal with normal every day pressures.

We can travel to your country or city or home to deliver a personal programme for you and maybe other members of your family at the same time within a specific contract. Block therapy in this format is charged at a daily rate plus travel and, if oversea, half day rate for each day of travel.

Q. Do I have to wear any particular type of clothing?

A. No. The most important thing is that you are comfortable during your session. In vegetotherapy sessions the client remains fully clothed. In biodynamic massage treatments some people prefer to receive treatment in their underwear, others prefer to keep their clothes on. In either case, once on the treatment table, we use towels and a blanket for warmth and modesty.

Q: What if I am unsure about starting sessions?

A. If you are unsure about commencing biodynamic psychotherapy, you can schedule an appointment for a Consultation to determine if our services will be helpful to you. After discussing your questions with a biodynamic psychotherapist you may then decide whether or not to continue.

Q. What is “Deep-Draining” and will it help me?

A. Deep-Draining is a systematic and structured treatment that is applied on the skeletal muscles and on the muscles involved in respiration and breathing. This is essential in order to loosen tension on the physical level.

The aim of the treatment is to dissolve the muscle armour and release this encapsulation, thus making the client’s emotional energy available to them again – usually first as sensations and later as emotions. Feelings can then be worked with using the biodynamic psychotherapy methods within the deep-draining context.

Q. What is vegetotherapy?

A. ‘Vegetotherapy’ is the name given to a theoretical and practical bodywork therapy developed by Wilhelm Reich. It involves specialised bodywork techniques and working with the breath to liberate the “vegetative” or autonomic nervous system response [unconscious or involuntary mechanisms in the body] as an aid to restoring homoeostasis and health.

Vegetotherapy works with impulses that “impinge from within” and with the seven “segments” of the body – pelvis, abdomen, diaphragm, chest, throat, mouth/jaw and eyes. It aims to establish the “streamings” which re-connect the vegetative (life-energy) currents to the psychic structures in order to facilitate re-pair and re-generation on all levels. Re-connection to the streamings allows the armour to dissolve.

Q. Can anyone become a biodynamic psychotherapist?

A. Absolutely, if you are interested in health, the body, mind, brain and psyche, and are willing to make the necessary commitments to become a biodynamic psychotherapist, then you are eligible to apply. Selection of candidates will be at GBII’s discretion. GBII operates an Equal Opportunities policy.

Q. How long is the training?

A. The Diploma in Biodynamic Psychotherapy is a 4-year part-time course. Each year involves eight weekends and a five day residential seminar. For those who wish to practice in this field there is an additional period of post-graduate Clinical Practice. IOBM also offers a one year course for health professionals to add biodynamic skills to their practice.

Q. What makes IOBM different from similar centres of learning?

A. With IOBM, you will learn core biodynamic psychology and psychotherapy theory and practice, deep-draining, biodynamic massage and the related treatments developed by Gerda Boyesen, and you will graduate with the confidence, ability and experience to go straight into independent practice.

The IOBM Diploma is not just biodynamic psychology in theory. Together with theIOBM Practising Certificates and Biodynamic Practice in-a Box it qualifies you for competent practice at different levels and enables you to set-up your own consultancy and promote and market your services.

Qualified biodynamic practitioners can apply for an IOBM Practice Licence and be entered on the IOBM Register of Licensed Biodynamic Practitioners at their level of competency throughout and beyond the completion of the Diploma Course.

Q. What are IOBM Practising Certificates?

A. IOBM issues Practising Certificates (link to Bye Laws, Practising Certificates section) at different stages of the 4 year Diploma Course in accordance with standards of competency and clinical practice. Clinical Practice training commences in the second year and is additional to attendance at training weekends.

IOBM Practising Certificates indicate competency to practice independently and can be gained at the end of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of training in the fields of biodynamic massage, deep-draining, vegetotherapy and bodywork, body psychotherapy as well as in biodynamic psychotherapy after the completion of the Diploma Course.

Q. After qualification, where can I practice?

A. The IOBM Practice Licence enables you to use the Registered Trade Mark Gerda Boyesen® anywhere in the world, and to legitimately use the method of biodynamic psychology and psychotherapy and the full range of treatments developed by Gerda Boyesen in your practice. Biodynamic psychology and its related fields are popular in Europe, USA and Canada, Australia, South America and in parts of Asia as well as in the UK and Ireland.

Q. Are IOBM courses suitable for me even if I do not want to practice as a biodynamic psychotherapist?

A. Yes. Some people who complete the 4 year Diploma in Biodynamic Psychotherapy Course do not establish a professional practice but enjoy the personal development aspects of the biodynamic work in all aspects of their life.

Others apply what they have learned and experienced to other areas of work, such as social work, nursing, corporate work, leadership or management.

IOBM also offers the One Year Course for Health Professionals. This is especially designed for qualified massage therapists, aromatherapists, reflexologists, homoeopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths, Bowen technique practitioners, psychotherapists, doctors, nurses, psychologists and all health professionals who want to include biodynamic skills and protocols in their existing practice.

IOBM also offers Introductory Weekends, and shorter, experiential workshops for personal development. These include 3-5 day residential retreats – Nurturing the Soul, The Power of Positive Thinking – and other Seminars throughout the year. IOBM also provides specialist courses for CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

Q. Is there any relationship between what you do and biodynamic farming or gardening?

A. Although the field of biodynamic psychology and the field of biodynamic agriculture are completely separate fields, there is a similarity in that both are concerned with the life energy, in plants and animals in biodynamic agriculture and aquaculture, and in human beings in biodynamic psychology. Both fields recognise the importance cycles and pulsation and micro and macro levels.

Q. Will entering a biodynamic psychotherapy contract involve much therapy and analysis?

A. Gerda Boyesen discovered the body’s innate healing mechanism, situated in the vegetative (primitive) systems of the body whereby conflict can be resolved and the by-products of physiological stress dissolved, often without the need for psychotherapy or analysis. Even one session can be helpful to re-establish this healing mechanism – psycho-peristalsis – that may have become startled or immobilized (frozen) as a result of stress or shock (howsoever caused).

Experience has shown that 6 – 10 sessions can be a good basis for restoring homoeostasis, health and for determining whether a client wishes to engage in a choice to discover more about themselves.

Biodynamic psychotherapists are trained to get to the heart of the issue in an efficient and kind manner. Biodynamic methods are specifically designed to re-establish independent well-being and health and to restore our innate ability to digest, learn and grow from life events, leaving us free to live our lives.

Clients enjoy ongoing biodynamic sessions for as long as they want. Often, as a matter of choice, this can be over a period of years or months, depending on the client.

Q. Will biodynamic psychotherapy fit into my lifestyle and current commitments?

A. Biodynamic psychotherapy is designed to fit into your existing lifestyle, adding support to you in your vital endeavours. Biodynamic methods bring you through to a level of completion within each session. Each session is complete in itself and you will not be left with open-ended worries or concerns.

The sympathetic and humane biodynamic approach means that after each session you will feel heard and supported, with more energy (less-baggage) available to you for living your life.

Q. Can biodynamic psychotherapy help me with physical symptoms?

A. Biodynamic psychotherapy combines verbal psychotherapy with advanced and specialized biodynamic massage and bodywork techniques that are specifically designed to help relieve pain and re-establish your body’s natural self-regulatory functions.

This integrated approach is a very efficient way to give relief from pain or discomfort. Furthermore the biodynamic psychotherapist works to eliminate the root cause of the pain rather than just suppressing symptoms.

Q: What if I have more questions?

A. You can call IOBM on +353 96 32514 

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